
This page is broken up into 3 parts:

  1. Overall Testimonials (for a combination of services)

  2. Personal Training Specific

  3. Body Peace Specific


Overall Testimonials

(For a combination of services)

“Signing up with Ashley turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made.

Since I started with her, I spend less time working out and I no longer count calories constantly. I no longer agonize over my food choices either.

And her workouts sculpted my body into a shape I always wanted.

If you want to be more fit, if you want to be happier and more loving of yourself, I suggest you give Ashley’s a try.

She is amazing and will change your life.”

-Dee M.

“I highly recommend Ashley to anyone who wants to be comfortable in their own skin!

Her work is about much more than just weight loss.

It is about understanding how what we believe in regards to our looks, our food choices, and our life patterns dictates our feelings and actions for everything we do!

Learn how to enjoy the body you have and nourish it so can serve you well!”

-Crystal L.

“A truly integrative approach to fitness, food and mindset.

My experience with Ashley has been life changing.

I believe that anyone who has asked themselves, “Why can’t I just eat less and exercise more?” would benefit from her approach to exercise and a healthier relationship with food.”

-Michelle A.

“Ashley is so supportive, caring, and compassionate.

She does an amazing job of supporting you (as an individual) to meet your unique goals and be your personal best.”

- Jenn O

“I cannot say enough about how Ashley has changed my mindset on exercise and food.

The results show.

I have had so many compliments and questions about what I have been doing, and I do not hesitate to tell them about working with Ashley.”

-Dee M.

“There is a huge psychological part involved that people do not tell you with weight loss. I needed to learn how to keep it off long term (like forever!) That is where I have found Ashley to be my answer.

I’m done with dieting, gaining 20lbs, spending hundreds to lose it, then gaining it again, and continuing to repeat this.

Her way will “retrain” your brain and have you looking at food, but MOST importantly SELF WORTH differently.”

-Christina Y.

“A great experience! Ashley teaches you how to be a happy, healthy person. She teaches you how to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise while living in the real world of busy schedules!”

-Carrie F.

“Best experience of my life.”

-Beth F.

“If I were to put my feelings into words with respect to this new endeavor with Ashley, I would say I feel more at peace with my body and much more patient with the process of changing it through strength training. 

I'm not nearly as anxious as I was all the years of trying to stay ahead of the scale and my clothes fitting tight-and just honestly not liking the way my body looked. 

I feel like I'm okay with where I am today, but excited about the way I will look and feel in 3-6 mos. 

Ashley has given me the tools to make this a lifestyle that incorporates my desire for clean nutrition and a lean figure.  Strength training has been very enjoyable and easy for me, and doesn't take too much time - that's what I love most!”

-Lynne P. 


”I feel much stronger and more optimistic since I started working with Ashley. I had never exercised regularly as an adult and in middle age, with menopause approaching, I was gaining weight and fat even though I wasn't eating differently.

After a knee and ankle injury, things were really going downhill and I was starting to be unable to move around freely. 

I have a long road to go, but have lost fat and weight with Ashley. I feel more confident and in control, because I am more knowledgeable about food choices. 

Most importantly, with regular weight training, I am stronger and have better coordination and balance.” 

-Christina E.

"Since working with Ashley, I have been able to strengthen not only my physical body but my mind as well.

Ashley has helped me put to rest many of the mixed messages I had previously received about diet and exercise. Ashley also helped me learn to value and respect myself for who I am right now. Not just how acceptable my body is compared to today's social standards of how I should look.

I have learned that many of my emotions were being coped with through eating and I now have the knowledge to know how to identify stress and cope with it in healthy ways that are positive for my body.

I feel healthy, happy and confident thanks to Ashley's empowering, knowledgeable and caring approach to fitness"


-Amanda D.

“Have you ever stood in the grocery store, incredibly distraught, thinking, "Self magazine says to eat this, but Shape magazine says to eat that. What do I need to eat to lose weight??!!"

This is what I will call "fog" weight loss - not knowing what to do even though you're provided with endless information.

Ashley clears that fog. Ashley helps you find out how to figure out the best way to lose fat for you. Instead of telling you what to eat, Ashley tells you how to determine what your body needs to be satisfied and ultimately how to lose fat.

I had a very bad, unhealthy relationship with food.

I would eat things I didn't even want simply because "I wasn't supposed to." I ate that fourth slice of tasteless pizza, even though my stomach was already aching. I easily spiraled into dark funks when I went out to eat and devoured the entire plate, while my "skinny" friends split their dishes.

Ashley's approach and training has completely altered the way I look at food.

Together, Ashley and I got to the bottom of my emotions and figured out why I was doing what I did and felt the way I did. I feel like I've broken out of prison. No, better yet, I feel like I was given a pardon and released from my shackles.

Ashley is an educator. She doesn't tell you what to do. She helps you learn what you have to do to regain control. This is the key to the consistent, long term weight loss.

I could stop eating pizza for the rest of my life, or decline dinner invitations from my friends, but that will not make me happy, nor will it keep me healthy. Yet, that deprivation is the format many weight loss plans tell you to follow.

After Ashley's guidance, I am in control.

Now, my body AND mind are satisfied with only two slices of pizza and I am confident and excited when I go out to eat with my friends. These are only two examples I am providing. Ashley offers SO. MUCH. MORE.

Get out of the fog, regain control over your life.”

-Meg B.

"When I met Ashley I had just finished P90x so I was in good shape, but still not satisfied where my weight was. I was constantly thinking about fitting in more exercise and eating less. This left me constantly obsessing on numbers making me miserable.

I called on Ashley to help me with my nutrition because that is was I thought I needed help with and after all I knew it all right? Signing up for her program has turned out to be the best decision I have ever made.

Over the course of a few months Ashley helped me to accept that being healthy and fit was not a goal but a journey that you have to take. She taught me to be patient with myself and accept my failures, learn from them and move on. No guilt necessary as I was typically really hard on myself if I gained an ounce, or missed a workout etc.

Since I have started her program, I spend less time working out and I no longer count calories constantly. I no longer agonize over my food choices either. Her approach to food makes eating easy. I lost 5 pounds of fat and Ashley's program took my body and sculpted it into a shape I always wanted.

I cannot say enough about how Ashley's program has changed my mindset on exercise and food. The results show. I have had so many compliments and questions about what I have been doing and I do not hesitate to tell them about working with Ashley.

If you want to change your life, if you want to be more fit, if you want to be happier and more loving of yourself, call Ashley. She is amazing and will change your life."

-Dee M.

“I had been looking for a focus and direction to improve on what I had been doing all my life to keep myself healthy and strong – both physically and mentally.  I was very active, eating properly and had no serious health issues for my age.  OK… the cholesterol was a bit high and I was probably a few pounds more than I wanted to be.  But when you hit your 60’s who cares? 

But I did care.  I wanted to do better but I didn’t know where to go or whose advice to trust.  In July 2015, I was introduced to Ashley.  I was immediately drawn to her personality.  She was sincere and honest when we spoke.  I could feel the passion and desire for what she wanted to accomplish with her business and thus began my journey with Ashley. 

I can honestly say she has changed my life.  She is well educated, extremely knowledgeable in her field and gives you all the tools you need to change your life for a more balanced mind, body and soul.  She provides the education and support to successfully gain control of yourself; to make better choices; to make a better YOU. 

I am now 12 pounds lighter, my cholesterol is 160 and my body is toned.  I sleep like a rock; I lift weights and do pushups; and all of this because of Ashley.  I could not give a higher recommendation to Ashley.”


“Just what I was looking for! At first, I was nervous about meeting with an expert. I’ve always been insecure about my ability to perform exercises correctly.

Really! When everyone is going left at Zumba I am heading right and usually getting in someone’s way. I used to get intimidated at gyms because I didn’t know how to use the equipment and I would get nervous that I might be holding someone up.

With Ashley, I have none of these worries.

Ashley accepts you and builds your confidence right along with teaching the proper way to build strength and lose weight. She helps with nutrition, self-esteem, organizing your goals, and getting you back on track when life gets you sidetracked.

Ashley is sincere about her desire to empower women to see their beauty, gifts, and strengths.”

-Sheila B.


Personal Training Specific

“I am an athlete in my late 50’s who recently decided to return to playing softball.

I started pulling muscles in my legs and was having a lot of trouble with my shoulders. Due to this, I thought I was going to have to give up on my softball playing days.

But, through a recommendation, I found Ashley. Ashley built a strength and flexibility program specifically for me, and continues to progress it based on my feedback to her.

This has been a tremendous blessing.

I am now able to fully enjoy my softball playing without pulling any muscles.

I haven’t felt this fit in 25 years thanks to Ashley."

-John P.

"I was never an athlete growing up. All my life I felt quite uncoordinated in my body. So, I felt very nervous meeting with a fitness expert.

But, I started working with Ashley when I was in my early 50’s.

At this time, I had pain in my calf muscle that several doctors were implying I would need surgery on.

But, after regularly performing a proper strength and stretching program with Ashley, the pain in my calf muscle went away!

And not only was Ashley super kind, and accepting of me as I was, she also helped me build confidence in my body.

I turned 60 last year, and throughout my journey with Ashley, my body’s resiliency and core strength has increased drastically…

I actually fell over my dog recently and sustained ZERO injuries.

Also, not only is my core strength more physically and aesthetically noticeable, I’ve also had activity instructors (shooting, golf, etc.) comment on how impressive my core strength is for someone my age!

My willingness to try new activities over the years has come from the confidence in my body that Ashley helped me create.

Ashley truly cares about helping people feel better physically, and feel more confident in their body."

-Sheila B.

“I am a 5’3’ woman who fluctuates between 240-245lbs.

I had a total knee replacement in 2005 and started working with Ashley for the first time when I was in my early 60’s (around 2015.)

Over our 8 months of working together, I got really strong, became more toned, and my posture and gait improved significantly-so I no longer worried about falling.

Then I got lazy…

And I stopped strength training.

Within these 7 years of not strength training, I lost my strength and balance-and consequently, in the most recent 2 years, I have fallen 4 times.

These falls resulted in a cracked elbow, a right shoulder injury, an L1 compression fracture, and 3 bulging discs.

Now, after these falls, and at 68 years old, I decided to return to training with Ashley.

I have only been back with her for 2 months, and I’m no longer staggering when I stand up. I can get up effortlessly without holding on and using my arms to get myself up. And I no longer worry about falling.

I have already had outsiders comment on how much my gait and the tone of my muscles has improved.

At 68, Ashley has brought back my confidence. My confidence in knowing that I CAN do this.

And that my body can feel great and serve me well at any age-even despite my previous injuries.”

-Elizabeth C.


Body Peace Specific


“Ashley’s work brings peace to your entire being. It is so freeing.”


Case Studies

“Hi, my name is Lynne.

I have struggled with hating my body most of my life.

Late to experience puberty, I remember wishing I had a figure like the majority of the other girls.

After puberty, I wished I could change what it blessed me with...my curves.

I married my high school sweetheart. I remember on my wedding day feeling “fat and unattractive.” That person I saw in the mirror stayed with me for thirty plus years.

The insecurities, jealousy and desire to be thin consumed my thoughts daily.

I thought, “How could this man love me when he could clearly see I did not compare to other women's beauty based on their body size?”

I would judge women every time I was out in public. How did I compare to these women? Were they thinner, prettier, more stylish?

This would send me on a spiral of shame and insecurity that would keep me in a prison of hating my body.

Growing up as an athlete, exercise was just something you did everyday.

However, I thought I just wasn't disciplined enough with my diet and exercise. I mean it was that simple, right?

At some point, “perfection” became a focus in my life-where I had my worth. If I could be perfect in all other areas of my life....wife, mother daughter, nurse, then maybe then I could love myself?

This journey of self-worth led me to Ashley and her work, along with other women that wanted the same thing I wanted....freedom and peace with my body.

Ashley's program gave me the direction, support, and resources to embark on this journey of true self-love and discovery of my deepest self.

I am now at a place that is so freeing.

It has not only silenced these CONSTANT negative thoughts of my body, but brought peace to my whole entire being.

And this is a  place I want every woman to experience.

If you FINALLY want to be at peace in your skin, Ashley is your girl.

Don’t hesitate. Don’t spend another day living like this.

Reach out to Ashley, let her help you, and start your journey to peace today.”  

-Lynne Poublon



“My struggle with body hate started at a very young age. 

I was constantly compared to my very petite, dainty baby sister.

And I cringed every time I heard the nickname “bubbles”, or “She can’t help it, she’s big boned,”

Or needing to shop in the “Husky” section.   

I hit puberty early and this drew more attention to my abnormal body type. 

I became hypersensitive to any attention and retreated into a shell.  

I HATED my body.   

I spent years feeling inferior, pathetic, and worthless. Comparing myself to beautiful (and what I thought at the time were) perfect people.   

I wasted many years of my life feeling this way. This feeling is what made me try every fad diet and every new exercise regimen in existence.  

Sometimes I would lose weight, and my body would be strong. But, then I would gain it  back…yet again.  

Over time I started to notice, I never felt complete. 

I never felt worthy. 

I never felt at peace.   

ALL my life my worth was based on my body.

 And because I did not look like the perfect model, I felt I was nothing. 

So, I started to do some research, which led me to Ashley. 

With Ashley’s guidance, I started a journey that would forever change my life.  

This journey would require me to step outside of my comfort zone and learn who I was…    

What I wanted from my life, what I had to offer to others in this life, and to learn my worth.   

As I started to proceed with the recommended reading from Ashley, along with the group chats, I realized I was NOT alone…

 Other women (successful and beautiful!) felt the same way I did. 

Gaining more knowledge, I started to realize, my peace, my worthiness, and feeling complete would never come from focusing on my body. 

It was a journey for my soul. 

Learning about, acknowledging, and not allowing the negative voice in my head to control how I felt about myself (and control all my decisions) was a major breakthrough for me. 

This allowed me the space and the opportunity to start uncovering and creating a relationship with my authentic self… 

The part of me that’s innately worthy and knows it. 

With each new step, I slowly realized I liked myself.   

I started treating myself with respect.   

This journey and my desire to be of service, led me to train as a Reiki Practitioner, a yoga teacher, and to facilitate meditations.  

I now finally love myself and feel my worth.

I know the enormous gifts I have to offer to others, to myself, and to the universe.”   

-Joyce Restko