About Coaching with Ashley



Coaching with Ashley can cover the following concerns:

  • Being able to stick to healthy habits (eating and exercise)

  • Creating balance with food and minimizing overeating

  • Creating sustainable fat loss

  • Removing constant intrusive thoughts about the appearance of your body (aka creating Body Peace)

  • ***Coaching can address as many, or as few of these concerns as you would like or need. ***

***Scroll down for ‘How We Start the Coaching Process’


How We Start the Coaching Process

***All services provided over Zoom, FaceTime, or Facebook Messenger.

1st Step:

Initial Free Consult

A free 20 minute meet and greet to:

-Get to know each other.

-Get an idea of how I can help you in your journey specifically.

-And make sure moving forward is the right fit for you.

2nd Step:

In-depth Consultation:

An hour-long deep dive into:

-What your goals are/where you want to go. Along with who you are, and how you best create change.

-What has worked for you in the past AND what has stood in your way of getting to your goal previously.

-Creating an overall plan (that fits YOU and YOUR life) and will take you from where you are now, to where you want to go.

3rd Step:

Coaching Sessions


Written Education

*All coaching sessions are paired with written education (created by Ashley.) These educational pieces are specific to whatever you are currently working on to help you on your journey.


Coaching sessions are what bring you from point A to point B.

During coaching sessions, I help you:

-Work through your ups and downs.

-Make your way through the overall plan, and figure out what we need to tweak as we go along.

-Help you figure out what steps to take next in the process, and how to most effectively execute them.

Essentially, coaching sessions are the helping hands guiding you through the process of change.

They are also where I help you build the necessary skills to be successful long-term.

*Contact for pricing


Schedule Your Free Consult Today!

Click on any green button to schedule your free consult (or ask a question.)

I look forward to speaking with you soon! :)

“Ashley is so supportive, caring, and compassionate.

She does an amazing job of supporting you (as an individual) to meet your unique goals and be your personal best.”

- Jenn O.