The 3 Biggest Things That Get In the Way of Creating Healthy Habits That Last

Do you want to consistently exercise and eat healthy? But, it just doesn’t happen?


It starts to happen, but then you can’t sustain it over the long-term?…

In my 18 years of helping people with their food and exercise habits,

I have noticed there are always 3 big things that stand in their way of creating habits that last...


Most people think they have a willpower and motivation issue.

When this really isn’t true.  

It’s true that it’s happening.

But, it’s more of the surface symptom than the actual problem.  

 What’s REALLY happening is one or more of the following…



You have a plan that’s setting you up to fail from the beginning without you even realizing it.

Meaning, you have a plan that is not tailored to your unique:

  • Likes/preferences

  • Biology

  • Life/schedule

And this is causing you to rely on more willpower to do it. It’s also making it way harder to cultivate the motivation to get it done.



‘All or nothing’ BELIEFS about food and exercise and how this affects our behaviors.

Our American culture has taught us (through diets and fad exercise programs) that our plan has to be done “perfectly” to be effective.

When in reality, this is absolutely NOT TRUE.

Our success is all about overall consistency over the long-term.

But, this ‘All or Nothing’ mindset causes many people to give up when they realize they can’t execute their plan or habits “perfectly.”

*And for some people, it can create overeating and/or overexercising behaviors as well.



Not knowing how to ebb and flow with life

Everyday life fluctuations, and big life changes happen.

Things like working late, lack of energy, and lack of sleep. Or major life events like going through a divorce, or having someone close to you pass away.

When we don’t know how to ebb and flow with these life changes (meaning, modify our plan during these times), it derails us, and we “fall off the wagon.”

These normal life things WILL happen.

And to be successful with our healthy habits long-term, we need to understand how to adjust our habits accordingly (aka ebb and flow with real life) to continue being successful.


How I Help My Clients Create Exercise and Eating Habits That Last


Help them create a plan that’s tailored to your unique preferences, body, and life…

So it’s easier and more enjoyable for them to do it (relying on less motivation and willpower to make it happen)


Help them move away from the ‘All or Nothing’ mindset and into a more balanced, sustainable relationship with food and exercise…

So they can create more consistency in their habits instead of being all on, or all off.


Teach them how to modify their healthy habits during times of normal life stress (big or small)…

So they can create healthy habits that last a lifetime and have the confidence they can work through whatever life throws at them :)


Help them navigate the process of long-term change.

Long-term change with eating and exercise is very different than short-term change (like diets, fad exercise programs etc.)…


Being successful in changing our eating and exercise habits forever also includes:

  • Understanding how long-term change ACTUALLY works (having realistic expectations around the process, and being aware of normal roadblocks that happen.)

  • Knowing how to progress your unique plan (what to do next that makes the most sense, and gives you the biggest return on your energy.)

  • And knowing how to implement these changes in a way that’s going to work in YOUR real life (and work for your unique personality.)

Helping my clients with these 4 things is how I help them create healthy habits that last a lifetime :)

Learn how we can work together through coaching here