Being Able to Sustain Healthy Habits

How I Help With This + Understanding this Concern


Current ways I help people create and sustain their healthy eating and/or exercise habits:


Understanding this concern:

‘Being Able to Sustain Healthy Eating and/or Exercise Habits’…

Most people think they fail to sustain their healthy eating and exercise habits because they lack willpower and/or motivation.

When really, this isn’t necessarily true.

It’s true on the surface. But, it’s not the deeper reason. And luckily the deeper reason is actually much easier to overcome :)

In a nutshell…


Most people are unaware of certain knowledge gaps that are making it WAY harder to sustain their habits,


They lack strategies of how to adjust their habits when real life blocks come up…it’s just all on or all off.


Let’s address the first one first…

Lacking these certain knowledge nuggets makes us have to rely WAY more on willpower and motivation to be successful.

But, the problem is, willpower is exhaustible. And relying on motivation is actually a myth-and not a good strategy at all (because motivation is an emotion and naturally ebbs and flows.)

So, the best strategy is to learn why we are needing to rely on willpower way more than necessary in the first place.

For example:

  • Are we eating certain food combinations that are making us crave?

  • Are we trying to do workouts we hate, or in a way that doesn’t really work for our schedule?

  • Are we not using sound strategies for dealing with cravings?


These are just a few examples. But, the bottom line is…

Willpower should be our last resort, not our first.

We should be working WITH our biology, likes, and life if we expect to sustain our healthy habits.

And we also need to learn how to adjust our healthy habits when real life road blocks come up…because they will, and always do.


And this is where coaching comes in…

During the coaching process:

  • I help you create a plan that’s tailored to your biology, likes, and life.

  • I educate you, and help you fill in the knowledge gaps-so the process feels natural and not like you’re trying to white-knuckle your way through

  • And I teach you how to adjust your habits when real life throws you curveballs.

  • So, you can have the strategies, knowledge and tools to create healthy habits that last a lifetime :)


Next Steps


-To learn more about the 3 biggest things that stand in most people way of creating healthy habits (and how I help you through them in coaching), read this blog here.

-To learn more about the coaching process, visit the ‘Coaching’ page here.