Healthy Habit Coaching

with Ashley


Ashley Schoborg MA CPT

  • Exercise + Eating Behavior Change Specialist

  • Exercise Physiologist and Personal Trainer

  • Women’s Body Peace Coach


I help you create sustainable healthy habits for your most balanced, healthiest, and happiest life :)

  • Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology

  • NASM Certified Behavior Change Specialist

  • Certified Personal Trainer + Certified Women’s Coach

  • Precision Nutrition (continuing nutrition education)

  • 19 Years Experience


“I haven’t felt this fit in 25 years thanks to Ashley.”

— John P.



Concerns I Help With:

  • Being able to stick to healthy habits (eating and/or exercise)

  • Creating balance with food and minimizing overeating

  • Creating sustainable fat loss

  • Physical strength, toning, reversing muscle loss, bone health, etc.

  • Removing constant intrusive thoughts about the appearance of your body (aka Women’s Body Peace)

  • ***Click underlined topics to learn more about the concern. More coming soon.***


I cannot say enough about how Ashley has changed my mindset on exercise and food.

The results show.

I have had so many compliments and questions about what I have been doing, and I do not hesitate to tell them about working with Ashley.”

— Dee M.





“A truly integrative approach to fitness, food and mindset”.

—Michelle A.